Versatrans e-Link Calendar : Getting Started Setting Up & Using e-Link Calendars : Associating Calendars to All the Buildings in Routing & Planning

Associating Calendars to All the Buildings in Routing & Planning
You can use the Create from building list which uses Routing & Planning buildings to create calendars for “ALL” buildings that currently do not have an associated calendar. This function does not allow you to select specific buildings. It is a convenient way to associate calendars to all buildings at once. Later on, you can remove calendars from specific buildings if you need to
Associating calendars to buildings allows you to display regular calendar events (i.e. meetings, notes, etc.) as well as scheduled events/change request events (i.e. changes in transportation, changes of address etc.) that are associated with those buildings
To maintain the building list, in e-Link, (add new buildings, change building names etc.) you must make the edits in Versatrans Routing & Planning. For more information, see Adding a Building/School to the Building File and/or Editing a Building in the Building File in the Tyler’s Versatrans Routing & Planning User’s Guide.
If your User Group has the permission to Modify Calendars, you will be able to create calendars from the building list. You can create calendars for all buildings that currently do not have an associated calendar. This is an all inclusive function and Individual Calendars cannot be selected.
To create calendars from the building list:
Click the Create from building list button at the bottom of the screen. The system goes through the Routing & Planning building list and creates a calendar for all of the active buildings that currently do not have an associated calendar.
The calendars by default will be named for the building they are associated with and will need to be manually associated with User Groups to be available for viewing by those groups. See, Assigning Calendar Options & Associating Calendars with a User Group.